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Our Statement of Faith

A church's statement of faith is vitally important to what they believe and how they live it out. The Bible is the only infallible rule of faith and practice. Our hope as Christ’s Church is to teach and practice sound doctrine. Christ Community is a part of the Presbyterian Church in America and we believe and teach the following, which is outlined in full within the

Westminster Confession of Faith

Word of God. Penned by Spirit led men. Revelation.

Every word in Scripture are God’s words. The Bible was written by men without error under the direction of the third Person of the Godhead, the Holy Spirit. It is a revelation of who God is and that His truth is infallible and authoritative in all matters of faith and practice. It is by this revelation that we see His kingdom, know Him, and receive His grace and mercy by faith.


Triune. Three in One. Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob is the only active and living God. He is King of Kings, Lord of Lords. Knowable and all knowing (Omniscient). Independent and Omnipotent (all powerful). Omnipresent (present everywhere) and Omnibenevolent (holy good). He created mankind and expects obedience, yet is gracious and merciful when dealing with His people in spite of their rebellion into sin. 

Created for God’s Glory. In God’s Image. As His Representatives. 

God created man to bring Him praise and give Him glory. Our ultimate goal in life is to glorify God and enjoy Him eternally. We are unique to creation, in that man is created in the Imago Dei (Image of God). Therefore, the more we understand about God, the more we understand about ourselves. This informs our views on morality, community, responsibilities, and issues such as abortion. Because of sin, we have partially distorted our created image. The good news is that God’s image is being restored and as His representatives on earth, we are called to have respect for all people while sharing the call to repentance from the Gospel.

Rebellion. Blindness. Guilt. Death.

Sin is any failure to keep God’s law. All of mankind rebelled against God in Adam and Eve. When Eve ate of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil against the will of God, the great rebellion began. This Original Sin passed through generations impacting even those born today. We are born to a rebellious and guilty race deserving of just punishment. We cannot see the kingdom of God unless the Spirit of God causes us to be born again unto a new creation in Christ Jesus.

Second person of the trinity. Fully God. Fully Man. Savior

The perfect God-man was sent by the Father to be the Savior of the world. He is God, eternal and perfect in Holiness, and man in that He took on flesh at His birth. Through His death and resurrection from death, God saved all those that have been called according to the purpose of God from punishment for rebellion against the Lord.

Repentance. Faith. Christ.

We believe that salvation is from God alone as He sovereignly chooses those He will save, by faith alone, in Christ alone. We believe God’s choice is based on His grace, not on our merit. We believe that Jesus Christ, the eternal Son of God, through His perfect life and sacrificial death, He atoned for the sins of all who will trust in Him alone for salvation. As a result, we believe that the Holy Spirit indwells in God’s people, causing the new birth and giving us the ability to trust Christ and follow Him.

Christ. Elders. Deacons. Plurality.

Ephesians 4, 1 Timothy 3, and Titus give a foundational understanding of leadership within the Church. Jesus Christ is exalted as head of the church, which is His body. The Lord selects leaders for His people through His people as they apply the marks of leadership given in Timothy, Titus and beyond. The elders are overseers ruling the church as shepherds under the authority of Christ. Their office is a fulfillment of the Old Testament roles of the prophet and king (the one who brings the Word and the one who oversees that the law is followed). Deacons are spiritual men who administer the ministry of mercy. Their office is a fulfillment of the Old Testament role of the priest, who would tend to the Tabernacle. God now resides, not within tent, but within His people.

One Flesh. Creation Ordinance.

Marriage is not a man made institution. God created Adam and Even and then explained that the man shall leave his father and mother and cleave to His wife. They would become one flesh as a reflection of Christ’s union with the Church. The attraction between man and woman is not accidental or environmental. Scripture reveals it is God ordained and that we were created in this manner.
Any sexual relationships outside of what God ordains or commands is sin. Many in our society today reject God’s expectations for intimacy, marriage and sexuality. It is the church’s responsibility before God to call all to repentance. God’s people are also commanded to love one another and to love our neighbors as ourselves. Love does not ignore sin, but as is explained in Matthew 18, it lovingly corrects it in the hope that the sinner returns to Christ and unity is restored.

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